Independent Living Services Coordinator

Ms. Jacobs was born and raised on the Eastern Shore. She graduated from Northampton High School. Ms. Jacobs was born with several disabling conditions; Glaucoma and a progressive hearing loss which became more prevalent during her studies at the Eastern Shore Community College. She graduated in the field of Clerical Studies. Ms. Jacobs received certifications from the USDA Graduate School in Washington, DC, and Leadership Northampton.

Ms. Jacobs has been an employee of Eastern Shore Center for Independent Living since 1999. She serves in several positions at ESCIL. As an IL Services Coordinator she provides peer counseling and support services such as Information/Referrals and Advocacy to program participants. Ms. Jacobs also serves as a Service Facilitator for the Consumer-directed component of the CCC Plus waiver and the state funded PAS program under the Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services(DARS). Ms. Jacobs is involved in the 5th Core Services which has three layers, Nursing home transition, prevention of institutionalization, and Youth transition. In the 5th Core Services, Ms. Jacobs, plays a vital role to prevent consumes with disabilities from nursing home placement, and any other institutions. One key element to prevention is locating resources that support consumers independent living goals. All programs and services are designed to empower individuals with disabilities to become more independent within their home and community.